Our mission
To support and guide students in the learning process, forming them to be able to reflect and participate in harmony with themselves and the world around them, through innovative, challenging, effective, and supportive educational practice, including the learning of two languages and the importance of physical education.
Our vision
To insure that interaction and communication are the fundamental means to achieve the development of our students, and preparing them for an ever-changing technological world. Our educational style is based on dialogue and facilitate experiences that enable and promote reflective, tolerant and collaborative learning process. This include critical thinking and encouragement of the development of socio-emotional skills; using new student-centered methodologies and integrating technology for the development of digital skills, thus creating the necessary conditions for each student to formulate and develop their life in a comprehensive way and contribute to their community by proposing creative, bold and innovative solutions to problems.
Institutional educational project
The Institutional Educational Project (PEI) is a curricular program that presents the symbol that define the identity of the establishment and from them among others, containing the fundamental principles, values and specific competences, the profiles of the school community and the curricular emphasis that guide the educational action of the school.
Our interest is to contribute through the dissemination of this PEI to the clarity, improvement and development of the learning, values and attitudes that identify us in an environment of good relationships, as well as to achieve the organization that allows us to optimize our educational work and contribute to the positive encounter of each of our students’ culture and knowledge.
Internal School Regulation
The objective of this regulation is to regulate the relations between the establishment and the different actors of the school community.

Regulation of evaluation, qualification and school promotion
This regulation contemplates three types of evaluation: diagnostic, formative and summative.
The fundamental principle of Wenlock School is that parents are the first educators of their children, and that the school is a partner of the families in this task.